
Seybold Seminars

The business of publishing is changing forever. Are you keeping pace with the change? Will you manage the radical transformation that is underway, and reap the rewards of the new business models they drive? For over 7 years now, The Seybold Report has been helping business owners understand and succeed with each new technology.

The Seybold Report not only analyzes new and potentially disruptive technology, we also help our readers understand what success looks like. Our new online service will augment an already strong lineup of succinct, high-level reports on upcoming tools, trends and best practices. Whether your business relies on print, online or hybrid content delivery, Seybold is an indispensable information source.

What’s in it?

If you’re working in the publishing sector, or are part of a service company to this industry, you have seen your traditional business models and processes change rapidly. Your industry is increasingly confronted by new competitors, new business models and new processes which threaten your traditional way of doing business and challenge you to come up with new profitable ways of delivering information.

The Seybold Report’s editorial mission is to be a source of news, market trend information, product analyses, case studies and practical ideas for business and technology managers who must address these new challenges.

Each in-depth issue gets you inside the trends that are changing the publishing industry every day with:

Unbiased product reviews and expert technology evaluations – Designed to facilitate your planning and purchasing decisions, these articles include a concise overview of the key features of a new product/technology and in-depth analysis on how this will impact on key business processes.

Insightful case studies – Seybold case studies reveal the behind-the-scenes information on how new print and online publishing technologies and business processes have been implemented and include measurable, quantitative results. These in-depth articles allow you to get an insider view on how your peers are coping with change and rising to the challenge of today’s publishing sector.

Thought-provoking articles on new trends – Designed to help you deal with the big picture, The Seybold Report looks at the trends shaping the online and print publishing industry from a technology, economic, business social and environmental view.

On-the-spot event coverage – Through participation at the key industry events, Seybold’s vast network will help you identify the trends, relevant news and significance of the event beyond the official attendance figures and program summaries. The Seybold Report will save you time by pinpointing and highlighting the important information from each event.

Product announcements and business news – The Seybold Report does not just report the news, but puts it into context and analyses its impact on the broader publishing market, helping you to focus on what is important for your business.

You’ll also benefit from penetrating reviews of the business issues and market conditions that determine the success of new products, technologies and companies. Read about the latest developments in all these mission-critical topic areas:

Cross-media authoring and production
Magazines and newspapers – for both print and online media
Book production – for both print and online applications
Catalog data management and production
Advertising management and control
Content, resource and rights management technology
Color management, proofing and online collaboration
On-demand and variable data digital printing
Web 2.0, search technology and the impact of new media
Print manufacturing and automation, including web-to-print
“Beyond technology” issues, including outsourcing and sustainability
Practical standards and specifications for publishing


Tips On How To Live A Healthier Life & Relax More

Have you ever felt like you needed an extra hour in the day to take care of yourself? It can seem like there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything, but one way to make time for wellness is through self-care.

Self-care means treating your body with love and respect by giving it what it needs (e.g., proper nutrition, restful sleep, or exercise) Most of us go through life taking care of other people and putting their needs above our own without even realizing it.

Taking the time to do things we enjoy not only helps us relax but also makes us more productive and happy. It can be hard to fit wellness activities into your day, especially when you have a busy schedule. Here are some wellness activities that take just 20 minutes or less:

– taking a walk
– closing your eyes and listening to your favorite music
– having tea with a friend
– watching educational videos on YouTube
– laying in bed and imagining yourself happy in the future

Having trouble finding time to take care of yourself? Try keeping wellness journals. The act of writing about wellness activities increases your chances of doing them because it holds you accountable. This also reminds you how taking care of yourself makes you feel good and the benefits that wellness brings. A great resource for all things relaxation and helpful to better life is at rest and digest. They offer a variety of techniques and methods to help you lead a better more restful life. Yoga can be an important part of relaxation, and an example is by using good yoga blocks. Using yoga to relax your mind is one of the best tools you can use to relax and refresh!

Studies have also shown that wellness journaling can help improve mental health because it helps us process our emotions. If you are feeling sad or overwhelmed, wellness journals can serve as a reminder to do something nice for yourself.

Writing wellness activities down in your wellness journal is an important part of self-care because it reminds you what you want to do to take care of yourself. Keeping track of the well-being activities you enjoyed most will increase your chances of doing them again by reminding you how good they made you feel, making wellness more achievable and attainable.

You could even keep wellness journals with friends! This makes it easy to find time for wellness together because planning ahead alleviates stress and ensures that everything goes smoothly. These wellness activities only take a few minutes and they’ll make you feel like you can conquer the world.

We all need time to rest, but it’s important to know how much rest we need and when during the day we should be getting it. The recommended amount of sleep is seven to nine hours for teenagers, eight to ten hours for adults, and about five to six hours for children. Studies show that if we sleep fewer than seven hours per night, there may be an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, mental illness (e.g., depression) and even death.

It’s essential for our mental health as well. Most Australian get less than the recommended amount of rest every night. This leads to feeling groggy and fatigued throughout the day, struggling to focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Not sure if you’re getting enough rest? It can be hard to tell because we usually aren’t aware of how much sleep we actually need. Studies have shown that people kept their eyes closed during a quick wellness break were able to fully relax and get more rest than those who didn’t.

Get a wellness break! Shut your eyes for a minute or two and breathe deeply as you imagine not only being completely relaxed but also finally having all the time in the world to do everything that makes you happy. What wellness activities would you enjoy doing? How will wellness make you feel? Remembering these feelings will increase your chances of taking wellness breaks regularly because it makes wellness achievable and attainable.

Studies show that relaxation benefits both physical and mental health. Relaxing for just 20 minutes or less can help you improve your sleeping habits, decrease chronic pain, lessen anxiety and depression, enhance immunity, treat digestive problems, prevent heart disease and strengthen your brain.

We all know what happens when we skip breakfast, but it’s not just about our waistlines. Skipping meals negatively affects your energy, productivity and how efficient you are at completing tasks. Studies suggest that children who skip breakfast perform worse on tests than those who eat a healthy meal in the morning because they’re unable to focus or concentrate as well.

Breakfast skippers also tend to be less productive throughout the day because even though they may feel hungry, their blood sugar levels can drop below normal if they don’t eat anything until lunchtime. This means that they struggle to think clearly and act quickly, so it’s much harder for them than people who ate breakfast before starting work! If your boss is making your life miserable, consider getting up half an hour earlier to ensure you have time to eat a healthy breakfast before work.

Everyone who exercises does it for different reasons, but one thing is for certain: exercise is not only necessary for working towards your fitness goals, but also essential for mental health. Besides the fact that getting active will do wonders for your body and brain’s physical health, exercise can help you relax, be productive throughout the day and sleep better at night. Exercising releases endorphins in the brain which are associated with feelings of relaxation and happiness that last even after you’ve stopped exercising!

One study has shown that employees who exercised took far fewer breaks than their non-exercise counterparts because they could focus more easily on what they have to do. According to researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine, exercise helps with relaxation, productivity throughout the day and sleep quality because it stimulates relaxation-promoting neurons in the brain.

If you work at a desk all day long, consider taking quick breaks to do some light exercises throughout your work hours. If you’re feeling really ambitious, try working out during your lunch break! You can also take quick walks whenever you feel restless or fatigued instead of finding distractions like checking social media or watching videos online that will harm your mental health over time.

Facing constant deadlines at work? Studies have shown that when students are allowed to listen to music when they study, they can retain information much more easily than when they have silence playing in the background. Although studies are still being conducted on this specific topic, relaxation music has been shown to reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure resulting in a decreased heart rate. In addition, relaxation music also helps people fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly at night.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with stress from work, turn on your relaxation playlist to help you unwind and release tension before it gets the best of you! The more often relaxation sounds are played in the background, the easier it will be for your brain to switch off when you really need that relaxation break – even if it’s only for a few minutes every day!